01451 822660


Unit 4 Hawthorne Court​,
Bourton Industrial Estate,
Bourton-on-the-water.GL54 2HQ

Book an Appointment

Women’s Health Phys​io
Hazel Eatwell

Hazel specialises in pelvic health, treating patients with a range of conditions including bladder or bowel problems, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic pain, and problems related to the menopause, childbirth or following surgery. Her background in musculoskeletal physiotherapy means she can assess and treat cases that are more complex within pelvic health. Hazel works closely with the Gynaecologists and Urologists at the Nuffield Health Hospital Cheltenham and within the NHS.

  • BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy
  • POGP Women’s Health (continence, complex pelvic floor)
  • Member of the CSP
  • Member of POGP

What is Women’s Health physiotherapy?
This is a specialised area of physiotherapy, which involves the assessment, and treatment of a range of problems and conditions relating to the bladder, bowel, pelvic floor and pelvis including those arising from injury, surgery, pregnancy or childbirth. The following information is to help you prepare for your first visit. If you are unsure whether physiotherapy is right for you, please contact the clinic and Hazel will be happy to answer your questions.

Initial consultation: £80.00
Follow-up consultation £60.00


What happens at the first appointment?
A detailed history will be taken about the problems you are experiencing. Some of the questions may be of a personal nature to gain a full insight into the nature of your problems. You will also be given the opportunity to ask any questions you might have. You may be offered an internal pelvic floor examination. This is not compulsory but forms a valuable part of the assessment and enables your physiotherapist to give you individualised treatment. Your physiotherapist will discuss the examination in detail with you during the appointment and obtain your consent before carrying this out.

How long will I need physiotherapy?
This varies for each individual, but most people need to attend for 4 sessions over a period of 3-4 months.

What are my responsibilities within physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy treatments are based around exercise and advice, which is tailored to you following a detailed assessment. It is important that you take an active part in your rehabilitation and follow the advice of your physiotherapist. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and for information to be repeated if you do not understand.

Completing a fluid chart
You may be asked to fill in a frequency volume chart for your bladder. Record everything you drink and any fluid output using an old measuring jug, over a two-day period. This will give Hazel a good idea of how your bladder is behaving and help them devise the right treatment for you.

Should I wear anything in particular?
You do not need to wear any particular clothes or bring anything else with you. Toilets are available should you require this during your appointment.

Can I bring someone to my appointments?
You are more than welcome to bring a friend or family member, however, do be aware of the sensitive nature of the sessions. Should you prefer to complete the session on your own we do have a waiting area where friends and family members can wait for you.

Children are more than welcome to appointments however, due to the sensitive nature of the assessment you may prefer to arrange care for them during your visits. If you wish to arrange a more suitable appointment time, please contact us.

What happens if I can’t attend?
Please let us know as soon as possible if you are unable to attend as charges may apply.

If you have any concerns or questions about your appointment or if you need to rearrange, please do not hesitate to contact us.

For more information, please call us on 01451 822660